Sunday, March 18, 2012

Finn ram -- babies start arriving May

Handsome Stillmeadow Finnegan is pleased to announce his babies will begin to arrive in May. Some will be for sale -- contact us to place a reservation for a lamb. Or two!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Big tummies

With 4 weeks to go before they're due -- ALL ON THE SAME DAY!!!!! It'll be an interesting day.

This will be Junebug's first. She's an Alpine, bred to a Lamancha.

Fidget has had twins and a single. Looks like twins again. She's also an Alpine bred to a Lamancha.

Peyton had twins last year. Triplets this year?? She's a Lamancha bred to a Lamancha.

Kids will be available shortly after arrival. They will need to be bottle fed.