Sunday, November 11, 2012

Contact us at rjaacks at or call 860-435-986five

We are sold out of ewes and ewe lambs. Contact us to reserve spring 2013 lambs.

 Finnegan, our black badgerface ram

Roulette, ram lamb 

Monday, April 30, 2012

You want to take my picture? Is this good?

All the kids

All four kids have gone to new homes - the girls to be family milkers, the boys to be pets.

We love our critters.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Baby goats!!

Lamancha doeling born 04-16. Twin. Mother is an excellent milker -- gallon a day last year.

Lamancha buckling born 04-16. Twin. Mother is an excellent milker - gallon a day last year.

Lamancha-Alpine doeling. Adorable! This is Junebug's first and she's a great mom.
These kids will all be on bottles by the end of the week. $25 each this weekend.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Finn ram -- babies start arriving May

Handsome Stillmeadow Finnegan is pleased to announce his babies will begin to arrive in May. Some will be for sale -- contact us to place a reservation for a lamb. Or two!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Big tummies

With 4 weeks to go before they're due -- ALL ON THE SAME DAY!!!!! It'll be an interesting day.

This will be Junebug's first. She's an Alpine, bred to a Lamancha.

Fidget has had twins and a single. Looks like twins again. She's also an Alpine bred to a Lamancha.

Peyton had twins last year. Triplets this year?? She's a Lamancha bred to a Lamancha.

Kids will be available shortly after arrival. They will need to be bottle fed.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Is it spring yet?

With the 'charming' weather we're having right now, I thought a bit of spring, and springing kids, would be just the thing to remind us of the joys of spring. Just a few more months away...

Gaute Couture or Haute Goature

What all the well dressed goats are wearing for sub-zero weather!

Negative 15 is a bit much even for hardy ponies.