Wednesday, April 27, 2011


It's been a little crazy -- 24 lambs from 7 ewes.

Samantha had twin ewes -- one black, the other dark brown piebald.
Then came an Alpine buckling -- Scooter. Big fella. Anyone need a herd sire?
Then there were more lambs:
Tuula had quads, Blaakie had quads, Lexie had triplets and Goldie had QUINTUPLETS. I haven't had time to take pictures of them all yet.

We have proven ewes as well as lambs for sale. The list is in the works and should be up this weekend.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Baby goats & more lambs

Tuesday morning brought baby goats. Both does. Both for sale immediately as bottle babies. The dam is Lamancha, the sire Alpine. These does will be awesome milkers. Or great pets -- they are so cute!
Tuesday afternoon brought Finn triplets from Harlequin Impi. Three ewe lambs.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Harlequin Pippi lambed last night. Conveniently at 9 p.m. First there was one.

Beautiful ewe lamb.
Then she stood up.
Then there were three more! Two rams and a ewe.

Proud father Harlequin Bear.
Junebug and Jujubee playing "queen of the mountain."

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lamb Watch

Whilst waiting for Pippi to lamb, I'm trying to clear my 'to-do' list. Or at least reduce its great length. First up, the merino pink-y, purple-y hat
The cat decides to impede progress. Then takes over.
Next project - laundry. We all know what it looks like and how much fun it is. Not.
Shearing: 3 done, 13 to go

Pregnant ewes - many wide tummies out there.